Flashback interview with Florida's youthful skate talent, Nick Wallace.

Nick where did you skate before Dunedin Skate Park opened up?
I actually started skating a couple of years into Dunedin being opened and it was the first park I've ever skated.
Did you make Dunedin your home park or did you have another spot that you preferred?
Yeah, Dunedin was my home park and I use to skate there every single day.
What is it that you really love about skateboarding?
I love learning new tricks, traveling and meeting new people from around the world.

Your father is a big supporter of your skating, we see him at all the events, how has that helped you get better?
My dad is a major supporter in my skating, and helping me go around the world for contests.
Also, how has your skateboarding been received by the rest of the family?
My family loves me skating and like to go watch me as much as they can.
Given a choice would you prefer to ride half pipes or bowls and pools?
Definitely bowls and pools!

How many contest have you participated in these last two years and how have you done?
Fifty three plus contests and there are so many that I can't name them all?
If you could skate any place where would you skate?
I would go to Brazil and skate Pedro's bowl.
What are your favorite tricks and what have you learned recently?
I've recently learned front side inverts and nose grinds.

Above: Nick at an earlier age showing his consistency and skill.
Is there a particular type of Coping you prefer? Steel or Concrete?
Pool coping is the best!
Grasshopper, your skills seem extraordinary, what pushes you to get better?
When I see other people ripping so hard it makes me want to learn some of their lines and tricks too.
What could you eat everyday?
McDonald's cookies.
Do you stretch before you skate?
I do sometimes if I feel sore, but most of the time I cruise to get warmed up.
Do you wear a helmet when you skate?
I wear a helmet sometimes, but when I don't have to I don't, I will though.

Whom are your favorite skateboarders of all-time?
My favorite skaters are Jimmy "The Greek", Mike Frazier, and Lance Mountain.
Whom are you currently riding for?
Westside Skate Shop, DVS Shoes, Matik Clothes, 187 Pads, Bones Wheels (Flow), Ace Trucks, Expedition-one Skateboards.
What grade are you in now and how do you fit skateboarding in around your school work?
I'm in tenth grade and my dad writes a note to the school to let them know I will be absent, and they give me the work to make up.
How long do you see yourself skateboarding?

What is the gnarliest thing you ever pulled off while skateboarding?
I was Texas for the vert contest and I went to nose grind. I looked in and when I popped off it went completely side ways and I pulled it back.
Whom are the skaters you session with the most frequently?
Miles McKinney, Drew Hoffman, Kain Abernathy, and Jimmy Marcus aka "The Greek".
When are you leaving the State of Florida next?
I'm leaving July 8th for California.

Where will we see you shredding next?
You will probably see me in Lakeland with Drew.
Do you have any shout outs at this time?
A HUGE, shout out to my dad and all my sponsors!
